Roof-Terrace Waterproofing

Permanent Roof /Terrace Waterproofing Method by Waterseal

We have over 28 years of experience in permanent Roof- terrace waterproofing. You can compare our prices with those of other top waterproofing companies. Waterseal PSv is the best chemical for the Indian climate.

Waterseal: the trusted choice for roof-terrace waterproofing. Our proven methods and top-grade chemical, PSv, provide unmatched protection against water leakage and humidity. Compare our prices and experience lasting results

Our Waterproofing services protect & preserve your valuable buildings.


This terrace waterproofing system is guaranteed for 3 years for more than 15 years old Buildings and 5 years for other new buildings .During the guarantee period in case of any complaint, the same will be rectified free of cost.

What is waterproofing, and why is it important to have it in your home? - FAQs.

Why Terrace Waterproofing is Imporntant?

Here are a few reasons why roof Terrace waterproofing is important: Rain and heat can damage your terrace if it wasn't waterproofed properly during construction. This can cause cracks in the plaster or joints when the surface gets very hot. and cause holes in the surface when there is heavy rain. So Water can leak through these cracks or holes and create moisture, which can damage the building's structure over time.


  1. Have you observed any signs of moisture or seepage in your ceiling during the monsoon season?
  2. Does your ceiling leak when it rains heavily?
  3. Are you experiencing falling plaster flakes on your ceiling or puffing out of wall paint flakes?
  4. If you notice that your electric switchboard, tube light, fan, fridge, or other appliances are experiencing power shortages or flickering lights, it may indicate that moisture has begun to accumulate within your walls. If left untreated, this moisture can eventually result in visible signs of damage on your walls.
  5. If you have noticed any of these issues or any moisture on your ceiling or walls, it is recommended to get Terrace Water-proofing Treatment immediately.

‘Waterseal PSv', is great for preventing leaks during monsoons. It also keeps buildings cool in the summer and warm in the winter. We use Waterseal PSV for all types of waterproofing, including terraces, basements, walls, bathrooms, overhead tanks, underground tanks, swimming pools, and roofs made of cement or fiber sheets. We also provide roof treatment for water leakage.

Buy now Best Terrace Waterproofing Chemical

You don't need an expert for terrace waterproofing if you use Waterseal PSv. Any home painter can do it well and at a cheaper price than usual. Just supervise the work using our instructions. Don't give up on the painter's abilities.

Read this Post with Full Videos : for How To Do Terrace Waterproofing By Yourself

Absolutely! Fixing the crack in the roof using the correct method can significantly reduce water infiltration into the ceiling and walls. However, it is not possible to completely eliminate humidity. When waterproofing expenses are limited, implementing this approach can provide one to two years of relief. Once it becomes feasible, it is advisable to perform a complete roof waterproofing. Our company offers a special kit for crack repair that includes all the essential materials and chemicals. It is available for purchase online. Click here for Instant Crack filler kit

Easy and Fast Roof-Terrace Waterproofing Video

5 Best Waterproofing Tips Video

Roof-Terrace Waterproofing Method Images

DIY Waterseal Roof-Terrace Waterproofing
Roof Terrace Waterproofing​

5 Top Hidden Secrets of Professional Waterproofing

A skilled Workers of Waterseal Waterproofing works only by keeping these five secret things in mind and provides good waterproofing of any roof-terrace.

1. Complete Roof Cleaning:

  1. the expert removes excess material, scrapes on the walls and roof surface,
  2. Scrape the walls and surface of the roof with a hand scraper to remove paint, cement, and crusts.
  3. Thoroughly wash the terrace with a pressure washer to remove dust, particles, and oily substances.

2. Proper crack-filling work:

  1. Small and large cracks appearing on the joints and surface of the border wall are made with a hand grinder to a groove of three to four mm, so that Easily PSv. Chemicals can be filled.
  2. A part PSv. + A part of the water is mixed and poured into each crack, so this chemical goes into the places where the water can go and seals every road.
  3. Then a part PSv to level the grooved spaces. Mix one part of white cement and make a paste. This paste is scraped off with a putty scraper.
  4. Seal each crack and joint with PSV. Chemical airtight using a roll of 3″ PPC.mat to prevent future crack re-opening.
  5. Likewise the joints of each of the walls and Vata. But it is done.

3. First coating: The first coating of Waterseal is very easy and quick. They are a part PSv. + A mixture is prepared by mixing two parts of water and only one part of cement. This mixture is spread evenly over the entire roof surface with a bamboo broom and allowed to dry for 1 hour.

4. Second and third coating: One part PSV. + Prepare a mixture of one part water and only one part white cement and coat the entire surface with a 4″ paint brush or 10″ roller. Drying one coating usually takes one hour at a dry temperature. The third coating is applied only after the second coating dries.

5. Last and Final Fourth Water Repellent Coating: Waterseal Company's PSv. The chemical has been prepared very carefully. Eco-friendly, elastomeric, strong, durable, waterproof, heat resistant, and water repellent properties are set in a single chemical. Therefore, when you apply it directly on the surface without mixing anything with a brush, roller, or spray machine, you get the benefit of modern foreign technology. And the rain or spilled water is divided into small and big points and the water goes inside. not

Small and big companies in India have to use different chemicals for waterproofing. Like one for primer, another chemical for joint and crack, a different chemical for grouting, a similarly different chemical for coating, a different one for finishing or repellency, etc.
While this PSV of Waterseal. Being a different all-in-one, waterproofing is done very quickly, easily, and reliably without any extra hassle. So if you now know the secret of Waterseal's work being so successful then remember only one name Waterseal PSV. – Click this link to get free home delivery of chemicals

We are heartily interested to help you with waterproofing services.

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