Terrace Waterproofing by yourself

How To Do Terrace Waterproofing By Yourself – Learn Now

There is no need to call any expert if you Use Waterseal PSv For Terrace Waterproofing. You can get the right waterproofing done by any Home Painter.

If you use Waterseal PSv, there is no need to call an expert as any painter can provide proper waterproofing. The work will be perfect and durable, and it will be done at a lower cost than the market rate. Only you have to supervise and Get the job done as per our instructions. It would not be a good thing to give up work on the confidence of the Painter. mixing-ratio-for-waterproofing-chemical

Follow the 9 tips mentioned below for perfect and 100% waterproofing.

Water leakage from roof-terrace waterproofing can be a significant problem. To stop water leakage from a roof in India, it is crucial to follow the best methods and take the necessary steps. Here is a guide to help you successfully address and prevent water leakage from your roof-terrace waterproofing:

1. Locate the source of the leak: The first step is to identify the exact location of the water leakage. Conduct a thorough inspection of the roof, looking for cracks, gaps, damaged or missing tiles, and any areas where water might be entering.

2. Clean and prepare the area: Before you start any repairs, make sure to clean the roof surface and remove any debris, dust, or loose materials. This will allow for the proper adhesion of waterproofing products.

3. Repair any visible cracks and gaps: Use an appropriate sealant or waterproofing compound to fill in the cracks, gaps, or joints that may be causing water leakage. Pay attention to areas where different materials meet, such as pipe penetrations or roof edges.

4. Repair damaged Plaster OR tiles: If you identify any damaged or missing tiles replace them immediately. Ensure that the new tiles fit properly and are installed securely.

5. Apply a reliable waterproofing Chemical: Invest in high-quality Waterseal Chemicals designed specifically for terrace roofs. Waterseal PSV is flexible, durable, and resistant to weather conditions and UV radiation.

6. Use a minimum of three coatings: Apply a waterproofing coating over the entire terrace roof surface to provide an additional layer of protection. This coating is compatible with long-term durability.

7. Pay attention to critical details: Focus on vulnerable areas such as roof edges, corners, and joints. Ensure that these areas are adequately sealed and reinforced with the appropriate waterproofing materials.

8. Regular maintenance: To prevent future leaks and extend the lifespan of your waterproofing system, conduct regular inspections and maintenance. Clear any clogged drains, remove debris, and check for signs of damage. Also, monitor the condition of the waterproofing membrane and coating, and apply touch-ups or reapplications as necessary.

9. Seek professional advice if needed: If you have recurring or severe water leakage issues, it is recommended to consult with a professional waterproofing contractor who can assess the problem and provide specific solutions tailored to your roof's needs.

Remember, prevention is key when it comes to water leakage from roof-terrace waterproofing. Regular maintenance, timely repairs, and the use of quality materials will go a long way in keeping your roof watertight and protected.

How can I figure out the square footage of an area that needs to be waterproofing?


To get the waterproofing work done, first of all, it is necessary that how many square feet of work has to be done.

If you want to get 100% waterproofing, then it is necessary to cover the entire terrace of your building with all four side walls. If there is leakage at one or two corners of the building, then you cannot say with confidence that only the area above it is responsible.

Water makes its way from anywhere. Because rainwater enters from some other corner.and drips in some other corner. Use this Carpet Area Calculator

In the picture above, you can see how to measure the terrace. Firstly, bring a tape that a tailor or carpenter uses. It has the number of measurements in centimeters on one side and inches on the other side. The side of the tape, on which inches and feet are written, will have to be taken into account.

First, measure the length of the terrace and write it down. Then, note down how many feet the width measures during the second measurement. After dividing length and width, the surface area of the terrace in square feet can be calculated.

Calculate waterproofing chemical ( Waterseal PSV ) to be needed for your Terrace.

  • 5 Kg Waterseal PSv +10 Kg White Cement ( Buy Local Hardware Store ) = for 130 to 160 Sq feet Area
  • 10 Kg Waterseal PSv + 20 Kg White Cement  for 270 to 300 Sq feet Area of Terrace, Wall OR Water Tank.
  • 25 Kg Waterseal PSv + White Cement – Covered 700 to 800 Sq feet Area of Terrace, Wall OR Water Tank
  • 50 Kg Waterseal PSv +100 Kg White Cement ( Buy Local Hardware Store ) = for 1000 to 1200 Sq feet Area of Terrace, Wall OR Water Tank.
130 to 150 running fit crack is fixed by 1 Kg. PPC MAT.

PPC Mat Strip for Crack Joints

High-Quality Performance of PPC Mat – Crack Joint Tape It is waterproof, moisture-proof, flexible, lightweight, non-combustible, and non-toxic. Polypropylene Composite Fabric Mat strips treated with water-resistant material are perfect for protecting against new cracks

130 to 150 running fit crack is fixed by 1 Kg. PPC MAT.

you are trying to figure out the length of the crack on the roof and the length of the part where the wall connects to the roof.
Instant Crack filler
Instant Crack filler with PPC mat Strip

First Step: Remove the cement where there is a cement crust or cracks and clean it. If possible, use a grinder machine to open the cracks Minimum 5 mm.
(Grinder machine will be available for hire from the electric shop and wiring also, keep in mind that running a grinding machine is a big risky job; only an experienced Electrician and mechanic can operate this machine properly.)

Use Hand Scraper,Chisels,Poker Or Screw Driver

Hand Tools for Crack Opening

To make something waterproof, use water to clean the whole surface and wait for it to dry. Watch Videos for Details

Each Terrace Waterproofing coating takes 1 hour to dry. Watch this videos carefully till the end.

What is the ratio of Chemical +Water and Cement for waterproofing?

First Step: Remove the cement where there is a cement crust or cracks and clean it. If possible, use a grinder machine to open the cracks in the V shape.
(Grinder machine will be available for hire from electric shop and wiring also, keep in mind that running a grinding machine is a big risky job; only experienced Electrician and mechanic can operate this machine properly.)

Second Step: Mixing 1part Waterseal Psv + 2 Part Clean Water + 1part White Cement and spreading it with a broom on the entire roof. This will fill all the small cracks on the roof from where the water was going.

Third Step: Prepare a solution of 1part Waterseal Psv + 1part White Cement and fill it in all the big cracks using Putty Knife. Apply PPC-MAT over the crack to seal from above, watch this video carefully till the end.

Fourth Step: Mix 1part Waterseal Psv +1 Part Clean Water + 1part White Cement, Apply 4 coatings over the entire surface using a 4 “paint brush OR Roller.

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